Everybody knows that Nigerians are enterprising, practically every Nigerian has some kind of business, as they say, some Hustle or some other things that they are doing to make ends meet

As we all know it, Lagos seems to be one of the most difficult places to live in Nigeria.  Our own private New York.

Starting from the  traffic, that is nothing to write  home about. Then are we going to talk about the Hustle and Bustle, the fumes from the cars,the humid air and we can go on and on.

For a person who is new to the Lagos way of life,  the first few weeks can be horrific, to say the least. But with time, one can get  use to the Hustle and Bustle that clouds the streets.

However, even at this, many people just manage to keep their heads above water. Although they might survive on a daily basis, they are always rendered very weak at the end of each day.

Beyond surviving, it is important to know how to really scale through and make life meaningful even in a place like this.

 For, there is a saying that goes “If you can make it in Lagos, you can make it anywhere”.